Best Love Flirt SMS Text Msgs Messages Ideas in English: Cute Flirt SMS English, Flirt SMS for Girlfriend 140 Character - Flirt SMS for Boyfriend
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Top 100 Flirt SMS in English 2020
My heart problem has reached a critical stage. The doctor says there are only two option left, ICU or You See Me.
They say you only fall in love once, but when I hear your voice I fall in love over and over again.
If you're smart and clever, put me in your heart forever.
Did you know that kissing prolongs life?
After engagement. Girl: now stop looking at girls, you are committed now! Boy: What do you mean, if I'm on diet, that doesn't mean that I can't look at the menu.
There are 50 angels in the world. 25 are sleeping, 15 are working, 5 are playing, 4 are praying, and 1? is reading my SMS!
I know I don't have a change, but I just wanted to hear an angle talk.
Can I click your picture so I can show Santa what I need this X'man?
If they miss you, they'll call you. If they want you, they'll tell you. And if they care, they'll show you. If not, they're not worth your time because you're obviously not worth theirs.
Boy: I love you? Girl: Hahaha Boy: I won't live without you? Girl: Hahaha Boy: I will die for you? Girl: Hahaha Boy: I will gift you a gold ring with the diamond? Girl Aww, promoted? Boy: Hahaha
Can we romance tonight? I'm in a good mood. Just a little bit of kissing and biting. Reply me soon, yours loving. Mosquito!
You want to know who's amazing and has the cutest smile ever? read the first word again.
Wife is dreaming in the middle of the night and suddenly shouts: up! quick! my husband is back! man gets up, jumps out of the window, hurts himself and then realizes: damn, I am the husband!
Wonderful combinations in this world: Heart and beats, Night and Moon, Music and songs, Roses and love, My messages and your smile after reading them!
Forget the butterflies, I feel the whole zoo when I am with you.
Who's the cutest and prettiest girl today? it's you!
Difference between Saali and Wife: Saali is beauty, wife is duty. Saali is passion, wife is tension, Saali is fresh cake, wife is an earthquake.
Wife is dreaming in the middle of the night. And suddenly shouts: up! quick! my husband is back! man gets up, jumps out of the window, hurts himself, and then realizes: damn, I am the husband.
I want to be your favourite hello and the most difficult goodbye!
Don't send any messages, I don't want to see you, hear your voice, think of you because my doctor advised me to keep away from sweets!
Girl, you are clever girl you are smart, Girl, you are like a work of art, Girl, you are sexy, Girl, you find, The only thing you aren’t it mine.
Before I met you, I didn't know what it was like to look at someone and smile for no reason at all.Read More - Whatsapp Status
Do you like me as I am? or should I pray God to improve your taste!
Heaven is a place on earth because of you.
Even when it is training the sun is shining in your smile.
A boy to a crying girl... Boy: you're the 2nd most beautiful girl in the world. Girl: Who's the 1st? Boy: you, when you're smiling!
Why don't you have a boyfriend? I am not allowed to have a boyfriend, But why don't you have a girlfriend? Because you are not allowed to have a boyfriend yet. So, I am just waiting for you!
I envy your mirror a lot. You do a lot of things in front of it and it just stares you and you also never complain. I want to be your mirror!
One who comes has a smoky heart, One who drinks has an alcoholic heart. So, dear you must stop eating sweets... As you are already a sweetheart!
This winter, let me be your summer.
I am sending you to an Island kill of kisses on a sun of love!
If I could be any alphabet, I would choose 'V' so that I could be next to 'U' forever!
You want to know who's amazing and has the cutest smile ever? read the first word again!
Too many stars in the sky, too many tears that have left my eyes. Too many girls out in the blue, but they are nothing compared to you!
Hey! stop thinking about me. I am getting so many hiccups. And now, stop smiling. It's giving me a lead ache!
Keep calm and flirt on!
Be careful when a guy tells you that he loves you from the bottom of his heart. For this may mean that there's enough space for another girl on the trip.
I'm not flirting. I'm just being extra friendly to someone who is extra attractive.
A kiss is a: Noun: It is common and proper. Pronoun: One stands for it. Verb: It is active and passive. Adverb: It makes an explanation. Conjunction: It brings together and connects. Integration: It is a mutual or reciprocal action. Proposition: It has an object. How about some study together?
Sometimes words are hard to find, to form that perfect line to let you know you are always on my mind!
Because of you both, the world knows truth and love exist. Keep these beliefs alive, and cherish one another.
I'm not flirting. I'm just being extra nice to someone who is extra attractive.
You have been a very bad boy. Now go to my room.
You know my heart has reached a stage, where it can only go critical, the only cure is your being in my life. Because I love you so much!
Next time I hug you, I probably won't let go for a long time.
I wish I am your hugest teddy bear, the one that you embrace so tight when you sleep at night.
Love is as much of an object as an obsession, everybody wants it everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it, those who do, will cherish it, be lost in it, and among all, will never forget it!
Some people has nice eyes, some people have a nice smile, others have nice faces, but you have all of them with a nice heart!
I see myself as a crayon, I may not be your favourite colour, but I know someday, you will need me to complete your picture.
When you see me next, don't bother wearing any underwear, you won't need it!
Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's called falling in love because you don't force yourself to fall, you just fall.
A girlfriend is temporary but an ex-girlfriend is for a lifetime!
I can't explain the smile that appears on my face when you talk to me!
The truth is if I could be with anyone, I would still choose you!
You are the keeper of keys to my heart when love has enslaved it in the deepest part. Love, you!
I used to think that dreams do not come true, but this quickly changed the moment I laid my eyes on you.
Boy and girl of class two asked the teacher: can kids of our age have kids? The teacher replied no never. The boy said to the girl, see I told you not to worry!
God determines who walks into your life. You decide who stays and who walks out. Send this to people you never want to lose, I just did.
I don't dream about you because I can never fall asleep thinking about you.
Every time my phone rings, I breathe in slowly and pray that it's you... calling to say. I miss you!
It doesn't matter how much you flirt the whole day, at night you'll always end up thinking about the one you truly love.
Eyes are not meant for tears I heart is not meant for fear, never get upset, always cheer as you are the one who can make me smile for years.
Can we romance tonight? I'm in a good mood. Just a little bit of kissing and biting! reply me soon! Yours loving.
I Love Someone, But Someone Broke My Heart Into Pieces And Now Every Piece of My Heart Loves Someone And People Call Me A “F L I R T” =P xD Dedicated to All
A Girl to Doctor: When I Smoke Cigarette, I Feel Very Uncomfortable, On First Puff, I Put Off My Shoes. On Second, My Socks. On Third, My Shirt. Doctor: Take This Cigarette and Tell Me in Detail.
Height of Flirting: Writing a love letter with the title as ‘To Whom So Ever It May Concern’.
F l I r t I n g Is a habit for those. who are “Single” It is their way of saying I’m Free. But For those who are “Committed”, It is their way of saying I'm Bored
Never get tired of doing little things to others, coz sometimes those little things may mean so much to them. That is why I won't get tired of sending my little Hi to U
Sometimes My eyes get jealous of my Heart! You Know Why? Because, You Always Remain close to my HEART And far from my EYES.
Advice of a dentist Treat your girlfriend like a toothbrush. Don’t let anybody else use it & Changed it every 3 months
My heart problem has reached a critical stage. That doctor says: There r only 2 options left ICU Or You see Me.
I heard that good looks can kill, . So, please don’t look at me . I don’t want to see you die.
A smile to put you on high, A kiss to set your soul alright, Would it be alright if, Did I spend tonight being loved by you?
A Real Cutie One Girl: Y Do U Always Follow Me Around? Boy: Well, Because When I Was a Kid, My Mom Told Me To Follow Ur Dreams
Saturday noon, An Old Man with a Hot Girl entered a Jewellery shop and chose a Ring worth $200000 for the Girl. Giving cheque, He said he’d collect the Ring on Monday after the Cheque is cleared. On Monday, Jeweller called up the old man. There’s no Money in Your Account! Old Man: I Know, but can You imagine the Weekend I had.
Government of India has Introduced a new rule, Good looking people should be thrown out of the country! Your safe! oh! Nowhere should I Hide?
A mobile is like women – Talks non-stop, costs a fortune, disturbs when u r busy and when u need them urgently they have no service.
They call you lucky, but they have no idea how hard you worked...
It Hurts to Breathe . Because Every breathes I take, Make me feel I cannot Live without you.
Some things can be left undone. Some words can be left unsaid. Some feelings can be left unexpressed. But someone like you can never be left unremembered.
I always think about U. I can't live without U. I really need U. I am totally mad about U. I just want to be with U. I am crazy 4 U. I want to marry U. I LOVE U. U = Ur friend
Be careful when a gal tells u that she loves u from the bottom of her heart. For this may mean that there is still enough space for another boy on top!
What is the height of Flirting? When your love letter starts with “TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN”.
Heartbeat is countless, spirits are ageless, dreams r endless, memories are timeless and a friend like u is Useless. Oops! Sorry Yaar, Priceless
To lover’s plan to suicide. The boy jumped first, Girl closed her eyes and return back saying love is blind. Boy in air opened his parachute saying love never dies
A Boy Was Going with His Girl Friend Friend Asked: Who Is She? Boy: My Cousin. The Friend Said: Last Year She Was My Cousin!
By expecting a negative answer, Girlfriend ask “Have u ever cheated, lie, broken promise?” To satisfy his girl, the boy replies a negative answer: “Nothing of these, I haven’t done.”
Boy: Is Your Name Google? Girl: No! … Why? Boy: Because, you Got Everything I Am Searching for...
Today, tomorrow and yesterday there will be … one heart that would always beat for you … You know Whose??? … you are Own Stupid!!!
Without your SMS days are like: Monday, Thursday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Shattered any & Sunday. So, send me SMS every day.
Touch my heart & You'll feel, Listen to my heart & You’ll hear, Look into my heart & You’ll see, That You’ll always be a special part of me
If you find yourself in a dark room where the wall was shaken and blood comes from everywhere don't afraid you are in a safe place you are in my heart.
Love Happens Automatically. . . . Manual Working of It Is Called Flirting
My heart problem has reached a critical stage. That doctor says: There r only 2 options left‚¦ ICU Or U C Me.
Do u know what’s A B C D E F G? A Boy Can Do Everything for Girl Now reverse da order, can u guess the full form of G F E D C B A? Girls Forgets Everything Done & Catches(new) Boy Again.
I love you with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith. I love you with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints, I love you with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life! and, if God chooses, I shall but love you better after death
How do I love you? Let me count the ways. I love you to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love you to the level of every day’s Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. I love you freely, as men strive for Right; I love you purely, as they turn from Praise
Boy: Sweetie, let’s play a game, Girl: What game? Boy: Anything but not hide n seek Girl: Why? Boy: Because, a girl like you is impossible to find :)
To Apply Lipstick Is Girls Duty, To Spoil That Passionately Is Boys Duty.