
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Top 100 Monday Status in English 2022

Monday Status in English 2022: For day to day status updates, each day tells us different stories, here are the top 100 Monday status in English. 

Monday Status in English 2022

Monday Status in English 2022

1. Every Monday is a chance to start a new fabulous week.

2. When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day.

3. May your coffee be strong and your Monday is short.

4. New Monday new week new goals.

5. Okay, it's Monday but who said Mondays have to suck? Be a rebel and have a great day anyway.

6. Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier and healthier life.

7. I swear it was Friday like five minutes ago.

8. Monday is a fresh start. It's never too late to dig in and begin a new journey of success.

9. Dear Monday, thanks for having the word 'Mon' in you. That's French for 'MNE', in case you weren't aware, Monday. But it makes me think of you more as 'My Day'. but frankly, that sounds like a much more promising start to the week.

10. It's Monday, don't forget to be awesome.

11. Dear Monday, I want to break up. I'm seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday. Sincerely, it's not me, it's you.

12. Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you're willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.

13. It's Monday time to sparkle and shine.

14. Alert! Alert! Another Monday is on its way. Quick! Run... Fast!

15. Monday is like a math problem. Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.

16. Hello! Monday its time to shine!

17. Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today. Inhabit your moments. Don't rent them out to tomorrow.

18. Motivated, determined and ready to slay the day #Monslay!

19. Oh, Hello! Week. Let's Do This!

20. I haven't had this bad of a Monday since last Monday!

1. Okay, it's Monday but who said Mondays have to suck? Be a rebel and have a great day anyway.

2. Your Monday morning thoughts set the tone for your whole week. See yourself getting stronger, and living a fulfilling, happier and healthier life.

3. Dear Monday, thanks for having the word 'Mon' in you. That's French for 'MNE', in case you weren't aware, Monday. But it makes me think of you more as 'My Day'. but frankly, that sounds like a much more promising start to the week.

4. Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you're willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.

5. Monday is like a math problem. Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.

6. Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today. Inhabit your moments. Don't rent them out to tomorrow.

7. Every new day is another chance to change something in your life, every new day is a chance to feel blessed for what you have.

8. Always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye, but regret can last for a lifetime.

9. Damages don’t get repaired by sorry, they get repaired by your behavior and efforts!! no need for sorry!! bear with it

10. All the help that I offer, the things that I do, I don’t exactly want them to be repaid, I just want them to be appreciated. Simple as that

11. Protect her like a daughter, love her like a wife, and respect her like your mother.

12. We are all in the same game just different levels. Dealing with the same hell just different devils.

13. There are two type of people in life :1. Who chase you 2. Whom you chase. But sometimes you should stop chasing people, wait and have a look at the one chasing you …

14. Family is not only about blood relations. It is about who is willing to hold your hand when you need it the most..

15. The person who really loves u sees what a mess u can be, how moody u can get, how hard u are to handle. but still wants you in his life

16. Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing.

17. Argument wins the situation but loses the person. So never argue with your loved ones; because the situation is not important than your loved ones.

18. Some people wants big house, a fast car and lots of money. Others just want a small cabin in the woods away from those kind of people.

19. Happiness is a perfume. You cannot pour on others, without getting a few drops on yourself.
20. If you want something you have never afforded, you have to do something you have never done!

21. The person who says that money cannot buy happiness is the person who does not know where to go shopping..

22. How a person reacts to your sadness says a lot about how long they’re going to be in your life.

23. Accept the past for what it was. Acknowledge the present for what it is. Anticipate the future for what it can become.

24. Good things don't come to those who wait.
Good things come to those who pursue the goals and dreams they believe in...
Happy monday!

25. Dear Monday,
I want to break up.
I'm seeing tuesday and dreaming about friday.
Sincerely, it's not me, it's you.

26. If you ever see me smiling on a Monday,
you'll know that an alien has killed me and it's wearing my skin as a disguise.

27. Dear Monday,
Thanks for having the word "mon" in you. That's french for "mine". In case you weren't aware.
Monday, but it makes me think of you more as "my day", and frankly that sounds like a much more promising start to the week.

28. Monday is the perfect day to correct last week's mistakes.
Good morning!

29. Three horrible facts:
1. Today is not Friday.
2. Tomorrow is not Friday
3. Even the day after tomorrow is not Friday.

30. Happy Monday!
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

31. Just once, I would like to wake up,
turn on the news, and hear:
"Monday has been canceled, go back to sleep."

32. If each day is a gift,
I would like to know where I can return Mondays.

33. Monday is like a math problem.
Add the irritation, subtract the sleep, multiply the problems, divide the happiness.

34. This is not a test.
I repeat, this is NOT a test.
Please do not attempt to adjust your calendar.
What you are experiencing is an actual Monday.
Weekend is Over!

35. If, after two cold and rainy days become warmer, and the sun shines brightly - is likely to come Monday.

36. So. Monday. We meet again. We will never be friends, but, maybe, we can move past our mutual enmity toward a more-positive partnership.

37. Monday? ..Really? I'm quite sure I didn't get my full portion of weekend !

38. ATTENTION!!!Friday will be here soon with the regular entourage - Saturday& Sunday & featuring special guest Holiday Monday.

39. May I Have Your Attention Please? Monday has been cancelled due to lack of interest. Please resume your normal Facebook activities. Thank you!

40. If I was president, all Monday's would be changed to National Holiday.

41. God created each day to be beautiful...
But Fridays are more beautiful than Mondays.

42. Monday:
1. wake up
2. survive
3. Back to bed.

43. Monday - is when the alarm sounds somewhat similar to the invitation to death

44. Monday Morning Wish:
Look like a girl
Act like a lady
Think like a man
Work like a boss.

45. Dear Monday - I think we should see other people! I cant stand how you make me feel, and its just not working out. Really, we are just not good for each other!!
46. Dear Monday, We just aren't good together!You show up at the worst times and overstay your welcome.Your negativity is dragging me down so I must move along now!

47. Is feeling like taking Monday on the Jerry Springer Show...Monday is a royal bitch and needs to be taught a lesson

48. Is up and moving, even though I really don't want to be! Monday please be gentle with me. lol

49. Why is Monday so far away from Friday, but Friday is so darn close to Monday!

50. Monday: oh shit! Tuesday: at least its not Monday Wednesday: Hump day! Thursday: is it Friday yet? Friday: yes, finally! Saturday: Party! Sunday: No not Monday!

51. Hey Monday! Yeah you! You don't scare me. Know why? Because I'm on vacation this week! Yay!

52. Dear Monday: I'm sorry to have to say this, but it's just not working out between us. You're just not my type - I'm more of a saturday kind of girl. Get out.

53. OK, Monday, you go quietly about your business and I'll go quietly about mine, let's agree to disagree and it will be over soon.

54. Ah, we meet again Monday I see my army of purple-ninja-penguins have once again failed to take you out.

55. WARNING! A virus called Monday is fast approaching. There is no cure. Just drink plenty of alcohol on Sunday night to ease the pain :

56. Dear Monday, I could watch you fall off a cliff, be run over by a car, and be murdered by an angry squirrel and laugh. I frickin' hate you. Sincerely, Me.

57. Hellooooo Monday...I see my Ninja Assassins have once again failed to take you out! Fear not, we have all week to try again. Have I mentioned that I HATE you?

58. Monday, this isn't really working out anymore...Maybe we should have some time apart for awhile...It's not you! It's me! I just need some space.

59. After having multiple cups of coffee, Monday still doesn't look pretty! Give me beer instead! Lets see if that works.

60. Don't look! i mean it, don't look! oh great, you looked, now Monday knows we saw it and it's going to come over.
61. Dearest work, In spite of our ongoing love/hate relationship...I will see you soon. nice.

62. Good morning Monday... care to tell me how you escaped my ninja assassins?

63. It's morning is now in progress... percolator activated... java infusion is engaged... and we have LIFT OFF!!! GOOD MORNING

64. Welcome to Monday. Would you like cream, sugar, or Valium in your coffee

65. Welcome to Monday. Please secure your seat belt, keep your arms and legs in at all times, and enjoy the ride.

66. it that at the end of the rainbow there's a pot of gold, but at the end of the weekend there's a Monday?!

67. Ijust when I was feeling good, beginning to unwind, and had a smile on my face, Monday comes along and bitch-slaps me.

68. So. Monday. We meet again. I see the Stupid Pirates didn't get you. I knew I should have went with Ninjas.

69. Eww! Does anyone else smell that? It's.. *sniff*.. eww, it's a crapload of Monday and it's comin' right for us!!

70. When someone tells me to have a happy Monday, it's like saying have a happy period. It's impossible and just ain't gonna happen.

71. Start your Monday with a positive thought... and being positive that you hate Mondays does not count.

72. Monday..are you here again? I thought I told you to get lost with Tuesday & Wednesday!!Thursday can stay cause they's good friends with Friday, Saturday & Sunday..

73. Good Morning Monday. I have been dreading your arrival, but now that you are here, lets just make the best of it.

74. Life was great. I was so blissful and then...I got smacked up side the head with a shovel full of Monday!

75. I woke up in the best mood and smiling, until Monday bitch slapped me back to reality. Dammit, why does the weekend go so fast?

76. I wants to stomp their feet, throw themself to the ground and start yelling "I don't wanna go back to work."

77. No one likes Mondays. Therefore I proclaim that Monday is canceled and we now have two Fridays! See? doesn't that make everything better?

78. Smile, say a kind word, close your eyes and enjoy a moment. Have a great Monday, friends!
79. It is Monday morning. So many people grumble at Monday. But God has granted me another beautiful day. Have a great day and God bless.

80. Dear Weekend, I really enjoyed the time we spent together the past couple days.I'm sorry you had to leave so quickly,but just know that you'll be on my mind.

81. Willing to trade one perfectly good Monday that has never been used (still in package) for a weekend in any condition (new or used). Call me to negotiate terms.

82. Dear monday, not sure how to tell you, but I'm in love with weekend. Wish I could say it's me & not you, but seriously, it IS you. Sorry (not really), me.

83. Dear Monday, We go through this every week! I don't like you! Yes, it's personal as you end my weekend! Unless you are a holiday stay away!

84. Monday is knocking on my door wanting me to come out and play. I went kicking and screaming,

85. I think Mondays were invented to punish us for all the fun we have on the weekends!

86. Monday is not all bad. We couldn't have monday night football without mondays. Are you ready for some football!

87. Good morning, Facebook friends and family. It's Monday, the beginning of the week. I can already tell that it's going to be a long day, but I'm not going to let anything or anyone mess up my day. I'm definitely going to make the best of my day. On that note hope, everyone has a great day!

88. Don't dislike Monday. It's a nice start to the rest of the week. Treat it fine, it will treat you fine too. If you have a positive attitude, the world is sure to delight you.

89. Monday gets a bad wrap because it's the start of the work week. It's not a bad day though!

90. That not so awkward and awesome moment when you realize it's the start of the work week, and everyone else is working but you.

91. It's Monday, and I'm happy to see it! Why? Because it is another day that I have been given! Have a great day!

92. Don't you just love feeling fresh and full of life on a Monday! I pity the fools waking up with a hangover.

93. Set your clocks at the start of the weekend so that you know just how much fun time you get to have. Then smash your clocks so you won't know when Monday starts.

94. Monday, you're so jealous of my relationship with Sunday because I am so happy to see you leave!

95. You know how to get your weekly return to work started with a bang? With a battle! Let's grab some foam weapons and have a playful office brawl.

96. Dear Monday, you're the worst because I hate having school and having to wake up in the morning. If I could cross off every Monday on my calendar and call it a day, I would. —From: Your no-good buddy.

97. I don’t like when I'm all stress-free and peacefully relaxing on the couch and then, out of nowhere, Monday comes along and punches you right off the couch!

98. What is your favorite day of the week, and why it is your favorite day of the week? Mine is Tuesday because that means Monday is gone.

99. Hello, Monday! I don't really hate you. Anyway, why should I, huh? It's just that I feel uneasy when I hear that you are around.

100. I hate when you know you need to go to sleep because you got work on a Monday morning, but your mind won't turn off! No doubt, Monday is always going to be a long day!

Related Tags: Monday Status in English 2022

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