
Monday, August 8, 2022

Ashura Images 2022 [Free Download High Quality Images with Quotes]

Ashura Images 2022 - Tuesday is Ashura for Shiites, a day of sorrow and mourning marking the passing of Husayn ibn Ali, the Prophet Mohammed's grandson.

Ashura Images 2022

Ashura Images 2022

Shiite Muslims will celebrate Ashura on Tuesday, which is also known as the 11th day of Muharram or the first month in the Islamic calendar.

Shiites observe this day as a day of mourning and sorrow in remembrance of Husayn ibn Ali, the Prophet Mohammed's grandson, who was killed at the Battle of Karbala in 680.

Public celebrations may include poetry readings, drumming while chanting "Ya Hussein," ceremonial chest thumping to demonstrate devotion to Husayn and recall his suffering, and other activities.

Sunni Muslims mark Ashura this week as well, but they do so in honour of the day the Israelites were set free from the Egyptian Pharaoh. Some Sunnis observe fasts on this day because they think Prophets Moses and Mohammed did.

The first month of the Islamic calendar is Muharram-ul-Haraam. It is a month of extraordinary splendour and blessings, particularly on the 10th, or Ashura Day.

In Islam, this day is accorded tremendous significance. In addition to ordering his blessed companions to observe fast on this day, the Beloved Rasool himself observed fast on this day.

(Extracted from Sahih Bukhari, vol. 1, p. 656; Hadees 2004)

Even in the days before Islam, people respected this day and kept a fast on it. On Ashura Day (10th Muharram-ul-Haraam), we should also fast and engage in a lot of prayer.

In order to convince us to put some of the good deeds that are done on Ashura Day into practise, they are listed below.

Fast of Ashura erases sins

The Beloved Rasool (may Allah Almighty have compassion on him) once said: "I trust that the fast of Ashura will wash away the sins of the year preceding it." (Sahih Muslim, Hadees 2746, p. 454)

Deed of Ashura night

When Ashura's night arrives, carry out the following deed: On the Ashura night, offer four Nafl; in every Rak'at following Surah Al-Fatihah, recite Ayat-ul-Kursi once, and finish Surah Al-Ikhlas ( ) three times.

Recite Surah Al-Ikhlas 100 times after the Salat. You will be cleansed of your sins and get many wonderful blessings in Paradise as a result of its blessing. (Amended in Jannati Zaywar, p. 157)

Prescription for increasing sustenance

The Beloved Rasool صَلَّى اللّٰەُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم has said: One who spends generously on his children on the 10th Muharram, Allah Almighty will give him much the whole year. Sayyiduna Sufyan رَحْمَةُ اللّٰەِ عَلَيْه has said: We acted upon the blessed Hadees and found the same. (Mishkat-ul-Masabih, vol. 1, pp. 365, Hadees 1926)

Virtues of Ashura day

Islamic scholars have written 10 things to be Mustahab on Ashura day: 

(1) Keeping fast 

(2) giving Sadaqah 

(3) offering Nafl Salah 

(4) reciting Surah Al-Ikhlas (قُلْ ھُوَ اللّٰەُ اَحَدٌ) one thousand times 

(5) beholding Islamic scholars 

(6) stroking the head of an orphan 

(7) to spend generously on family 

(8) performing Ghusl 

(9) Applying kohl 

(10) clipping nails 

(11) paying a visit to sick people 

(12) reconciling with enemies. 

(Jannati Zaywar, pp. 158, summarised)

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Ashura Images 2022 (01)

Send Sawab to the martyrs of Karbala

On Ashura day, Sayyiduna Imam Husain رَضِىَ اللّٰەُ عَنْهُ sacrificed his blessed life along with his companions رَضِىَ اللّٰەُ عَنْهُم for the sake of serving Islam. So on this day, we should also arrange Quran Khuwani, do Zikr, recite Durood, give donations and Niyaz (provide food to Muslims).

1     In Muharram-ul-Haraam 14 AH, the beloved father of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr Siddeeq رَضِىَ اللّٰەُ عَنْهُ, Sayyiduna Abu Qahafah ‘Usman Bin ‘Aamir Qarashi رَضِىَ اللّٰەُ عَنْهُ passed away.

2     In Muharram-ul-Haraam 16 AH, the Kaneez (maid) of the Holy Prophet صَلَّى اللّٰەُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم, Sayyidatuna Mariyah Qibtiyyah رَضِیَ اللّٰەُ عَنْهَا passed away.

3     On 1st Muharram-ul-Haraam 24 AH, the burial of the second caliph, Ameer-ul-Mu`mineen Sayyiduna ‘Umar Farooq-e-A’zam رَضِىَ اللّٰەُ عَنْهُ took place.

4     On 10th Muharram-ul-Haraam 61 AH, the grandson of the Holy Prophet صَلَّى اللّٰەُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم, Sayyiduna Imam Husain رَضِىَ اللّٰەُ عَنْهُ and his companions were martyred.

5     On 2nd Muharram-ul-Haraam 200 AH, the 9th Shaykh-e-Tareeqat of the Qadiriyyah Razawiyyah spiritual chain, Sayyiduna Shaykh Ma’roof Karkhi رَحْمَةُ اللّٰەِ عَلَيْه passed away.

6     On 1st Muharram-ul-Haraam 632 AH, founder of the Suharwerdiyah spiritual chain, Sayyiduna Shaykh Shahabuddin Abu Hafs ‘Umar Siddeeqi Suharwerdi رَحْمَةُ اللّٰەِ عَلَيْه passed away.

7     On 5th Muharram-ul-Haraam 664 AH, the great leader of the Chishtiyyah spiritual chain, Sayyiduna Baba Fareeduddin Mas’ood Ganj-e-Shakar رَحْمَةُ اللّٰەِ عَلَيْه passed away.

8          On 14th Muharram-ul-Haraam 1402 AH, son of A’la Hadrat, the grand Mufti of India, ‘Allamah Maulana Muhammad Mustafa Raza Khan Noori رَحْمَةُ اللّٰەِ عَلَيْه passed away.

Muharram, the first month of the Islamic Hijri calendar, is second only to Ramadan in terms of auspiciousness, according to New Delhi.

In India, Muharram began on August 11 based on the moon's sighting this year.

The word "Muharram" means "forbidden," and at this time, the ancient Arabs avoided fighting and other forms of conflict in favour of remembering the Almighty.

The significance of Ashura, or the 10th day of Muharram, cannot be overstated.

With the aid of God, it is said that Prophet Musa (Moses) subdued the tyrannical Pharaoh and created justice on Earth.

The day of Ashura also commemorates the Prophet Muhammad's departure from Mecca and arrival in Medina in about 622 AD, when he and his adherents were mercilessly persecuted for upholding and preaching Islam.

Additionally, it is thought that Prophet Nuh (Noah) departed in his ark on this day.

The day of Ashura also commemorates the barbaric killing of Hazrat Imam Hussain, Hazrat Ali's son and the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed, by Yazid I's troops at the Battle of Karbala.

On this day, Shia Muslims weep in remembrance of the tragedies of Karbala.

Difference between Sunni and Shia commemorating Ashura

On the ninth and tenth of Muharram, Sunni Muslims fast and practise ibadat (remembrance of Allah), as did Prophet Muhammad to commemorate the victory Allah granted to Moses over the Pharaoh.

Shia Muslims, on the other hand, observe the first 10 days of Muharram as a time of mourning in which they recall the sacrifices made by the Prophet's family during the horrific Battle of Karbala.

We honour Hazrat Ali, Hazrat Imam Hasan, and Hazrat Imam Hussain. Fasts are also held in honour of their martyrdom, along with processions.

The month of Ashura honours the day on which Allah delivered the Children of Israel from Pharaoh.

On Muharram 10, also known as the Day of "Ashura," fasting atones for sins committed the previous year. When the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) arrived in Madinah in 622 CE, he discovered that the Jews were there and inquired as to why they fasted on Muharram 10.

This is a blessed day, they declared. On this day, Prophet Musa [Moses] fasted in order to give appreciation to Allah for rescuing the Children of Israel from their adversary (in Egypt).

According to the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam),

Musa is closer to us than he is to you.

He observed a fast on that day and exhorted Muslims to do the same. (Al-Bukhari) The following year, the fasting of "Ashura" was made optional when Allah instructed the Muslims to fast during the month of Ramadan.

The Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) reportedly planned to fast on the ninth and tenth. The Messenger of Allah instructed the populace to fast on the day of "Ashura," according to Ibn 'Abbas, RadhiAllahu Anhuma.

"O Messenger of Allah, it is a day that the Jews and Christians honour," the populace said. When the new year arrives, we will fast on the ninth, the Prophet, SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, declared. Before the following year, the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam passed away. Abu Dawud and Islam.

So, if you want to fast "Ashura," you can do so for two days (ninth and tenth), three days (ninth, tenth, and eleventh), or only one day (the tenth).

"Fasting on the day of 'Ashura' (is of great merits), and I pray that Allah will accept it as an expiation for (the sins committed in) the previous year," the Prophet (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) remarked. (Muslim) However, you can only atone for minor sins by avoiding great offences.

Relying on a single day of fasting to "wash your slate clean" is a grave error. Fasting on "Ashura" alone will not atone for your sins if you ignore your daily prayers or the fast of Ramadan, or if you backbite, lie, commit adultery, or engage in other serious sins.

This misguided person is unaware that fasting during Ramadan and praying five times a day are significantly more important than fasting on the Day of Arafah and the Day of "Ashura," and that they atone for sins committed between one Ramadan and the next, or between one Friday and the next, provided one refrains from major sins.

However, they lack the power to atone for minor transgressions unless one also abstains from large transgressions; when the two are combined, they have the power to atone for little transgressions. One of those misguided persons may believe that his good deeds outweigh his sins because he does not focus on his sins or pay attention to his bad deeds, but when he performs a nice deed, he recalls it and depends on it.

This is comparable to the person who begs Allah for forgiveness with his tongue (i.e., exclusively by words), praises Allah by repeating "subhan Allah" 100 times every day, and then backbites about Muslims, denigrates their reputation, and speaks nonstop about matters that displease Allah.

This person constantly considers the benefits of saying "subhan Allah" and "la ilaha illa Allah," but he is unconcerned with the reports of those who backbite, tell lies, slander others, or engage in other acts of tongue sin. They have been totally duped.

You may have heard of several traditions related to "Ashura," such as cooking and eating particular dishes on that day, donning henna or kohl, or simply having a good time. (Al-Mawsu'ah Al-Fiqhiyyah, section 31, Ghuroor)

Others view today as a day of crying and grief in memory of Al-Husayn, the Prophet's grandson who died in battle on that day. All of these, according to the scholar Ibn Taymiyah (born 661 AH/1263 CE), are considered bid'ahs (reprehensible innovations) that need to be avoided.

On "Ashura," take advantage of the chance to fast and ask for forgiveness to draw closer to Allah.

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